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We are hosting street markets with local handmade goods May through September! Every market will run 3 -7 pm on the second Sunday of the month, located outdoors between our two beer gardens. There will be live music all evening and special off-the-menu entrees.
Check back in February for the application if you are interested in being a vendor!

The hosts of the Beerists Podcast got a taste of a few of Deep Draft Brewing’s beers. What did they think? (Spoiler Alert: They had a lot of nice things to say!)
Listen to the whole episode by clicking below!
We at Deep Draft craft our beers with the utmost pride and the highest standards of brewing excellence. That said, we also insist on having fun with the process, from the brewing to the drinking, and we make every effort to honor our roots and our community– the deep water port that is Bremerton, WA. Live Life. Drink Deep.

Alc. 4.0% // IBUs 15
The term “keelhaul” has its nautical roots in the Dutch, but the cruel practice of dragging a mutinous Sailor along the keel (underside) of the ship as a form of torture was used by the British in the 1600s. In today’s terms, the term keelhaul is synonymous with a severe scolding. Our keelhaul is honestly anything BUT a severe scolding on your palette (we just liked the imagery and alliteration). The Kolsch style (originally from Cologne, Germany) is fermented with ale yeast, but then finished in cold temperatures like a lager. The result is a style that exhibits some of the best characteristics of both categories. You’ll only be severely scolded for NOT enjoying this beer!

Navy Yard (Bronze Lager)
Alc. 4.0% // IBUs 30
Proudly brewed with Pilsner, Brown & Munich malts and lovingly hopped with centennial and crystal hops, we brew this beer as a tribute to the Navy bases and shipyards worldwide and especially Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (originally Navy Yard Puget Sound), a foundation of our community and our Nation’s defense since 1891.

PROP WASH (Pilsner)
Alc. 4.5% // IBUs 30
You’ll find our Pilsner light but full of flavor, as clean and satisfying as the froth (known as the wash) coming off of a shiny bronze propeller. We have found that standing on the fantail (the back of the ship), staring down at the wake a ship leaves as she cuts through the water gives a Sailor a peaceful, contented feeling. Whether fishing from the fantail, enjoying a sunset, or standing aft lookout, watching the prop wash – small but significant in the vast ocean – steadies a Sailor’s restless soul. Enjoy this beautiful little beer!

FLEET LANDING (Export Pale Lager)
Alc. 5.5%ABV // IBUs 22
Brewed with Bavarian Pilsner, Munich, & Chrystal malts and delightfully hopped with Perle & Tettanger goodness, this delightful “foreign” beer has been considered the Cadillac of Pale Lagers. We dubbed it “Fleet Landing to honor the place where a ship’s crew debarks/embarks on a foreign shore– filled with excitement to explore foreign ports, drink beer, have a great time and spend some “bongo bucks” (general term for the local currency)!! Cheers to you!

Alc. 6.2%ABV // IBUs 26
Brewed with Vienna, Two-row, 120, Brown, & Black malts & finished with Pere and Tettanger hops, our Oktoberfest is a beautiful and tasty way to usher in the autumn season! The name “Old Crow” emerged from the first use of electronic warfare in WWII to disrupt Axis communications & radars. Allied equipment and operators were thus known by the code name “Raven.” Common jargon changed their name to “Crow” and those engaged in the profession became known as “Old Crows.”

Alc. 5.6% // IBUs 40
When returning from sea in this part of the globe, ships in the channel are directed to keep the red buoys to starboard (on their right), so the mnemonic sailors use to remember this is “Red Right Returning.” We’ve packed this beer with a LOT of malt and grain (two row, Maris Otter, Rye, Brown & Roast/Black) and Loral, Centennial, and Cascade hops for well-balanced goodness that will carry you home!

OLD SALT (Alt Bier)
Alc. 5.9% // IBUs 45
The eldest Sailor in the U.S. Navy is officially known as the “Old Salt.” Lesser salts are those Sailors who have spent a lot of time at sea, with the salt air in their lungs, rooster tails at their backs, and empty gun shells in their wakes. The Altbier is the “Old Salt” of beers, as “Alt” in Germany – the motherland of beer – means “old.” This nomenclature alludes to the older style of brewing, using top-fermenting yeast, which is much older than bottom fermenting lager yeast. But, “old” also accurately describes the evolution of this style over the centuries leading up to the first use of its name in 1838. Alt also — and this is merely coincidence, but still worth noting — could also describe an alternative beer to the lagers—the younger generation of beer drinkers (and Sailors). Drink to the foam and enjoy our OLD SALT ALT, one of Deep Draft’s Flagship beers!

BROWN SHOE (Munich Dunkel)
Alc. 5.0% // IBUs 26
Brewed with Pilsner, Munich, and Chocolate malts and lightly hopped with Sabro and Perle hops, this beer is smooth in taste and beautiful in color. We named it “Brown Shoe” to honor Naval Aviators who are high flying & smooth talking (especially with their hands). Naval aviators earned the name “Brown Shoe” because they wear brown (as opposed to black) shoes—this tradition started at the advent of naval aviation in WWII because the sand from aviators their time on the beach would discolor and be noticeable on their black boots.

HUZZAH (Maibock)
Alc. 7.25%ABV // IBUs 40
Featuring Pilsner, Vienna & wheat malts and hopped with Perle and Teenager hops we think this beer is perfect for a celebration of our First Anniversary! It’s light in color, sweet and strong without being boozy. “Huzzah” was traditionally used as a cheer after a coordinated effort– certainly fitting to celebrate all that has gone into making it through our first year! So HUZZAH & CHEERS to you with this ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL BEER!

KAPOK (Dunkelbock)
Alc. 7.25%ABV // IBUs 40
Our German style dark-is bock is characterized by a malty and nutty flavor, very easy on the hops. We call it “Kapok” after the chunky orange life preservers Sailors wear while line handling, mainly because we like how it rhymes with Dunkelbock, but also because we’re confident this beer will buoy your spirits with yumminess and keep you afloat all evening (or afternoon) long!

SAILOR'S DELIGHT (Ordinary/English Bitter)
Alc. 3.5% // IBUs 33
Brewed with Two-Row & Rye malts and deliciously and generously hopped with Loyal, Simcoe & Centennial hops, this magically tasty little brew is big on flavor and extremely light on alcohol – so drink as much of this delightful beer as you want and BE HAPPY!

Alc. 5.0% // IBUs 60
In the vernacular of the sea, a “Shellback” is a Sailor who has crossed the equator. No longer a slimy pollywog unfit to stand upright, a Shellback passed the many trials and tests of of a sea voyage. We deemed this a fitting name for our third Pale Ale to be produced: bold, more complex, pleasing and less bitter Pale than the first-termer! Brewed with a lovely malt bill of Maris Otter, Two-Row, Rye & Dextran and hopped just right with Simcoe, Eukanot & Citra– Davy Jones would be proud!!!

Alc. 6.7% // IBUs 70
Another variant of our Flagship IPA (Liberty Call), this one has CTZ, Simcoe & Cascade hops and a little higher alcohol than its predecessors for a delightful stepping out in our best civilian attire, aka “civies” or “Mufti” in USN vernacular. Cheers!!

ALL AHEAD FULL (Double India Pale Ale)
Alc. 9.5% // IBUs 90
Make way for our biggest IPA yet… brewed with a massive amount of simcoe, centennial & CTZ hops and maris otter, 2-row & rye malts for a full-bodied goodness and a slam of hops to get you steaming full speed ahead.
ERIK'S HOMEPORTER (American Porter)
Alc. 5.0% // IBUs 60
Deep Draft’s Flagship dark beer that is our comfort beer, our homeport. It’s dedicated to the Sailors, Shipyard, and town that we love, brewed in honor of our late founder, LCDR Erik M. Sweet, USN. This beer is easy to drink, easy to love, and a gateway to enjoying more complex craft beers. If you want to stick to something familiar and simple and beloved, like a HOMEPORT, who are we to judge? We invite you to raise your glass and toast to those who Serve and to the ones you love! ENJOY OUR HOMEPORTER!
BLACK SHOE (Imperial Stout - Experimental)
Alc. 9.1%ABV // IBUs 76
Brewed with Maris otter, black & roast barley malts, this is our first big beer so we named it to honor the hard work and long hours worked by the Sailors in our Surface and Submarine Fleet. It’s a slow sipper, best a little warm, and may make you list a little if you have one too many.
Alc. 6.7%ABV // IBUs 56
Brewed with Maris otter, Two-Row, Malted Oats, 75′, Brown, Munich & Black malts and hopped just enough with Simcoe, Centennial & Cascade hops, our winter seasonal will warm your heart– just like the special, seasonal holiday lights ships rig when visiting friendly foreign ports and during the winter holiday season! Cheers, Friends!
LIBERTY CALL (India Pale Ale)
Alc. 6.0 %ABV // IBUs 70
“Liberty Call, liberty call…” is an announcement that is music to every sea going Sailor’s ears. It means that all those not on duty (or restriction) have permission to go ashore, to explore either foreign ports or, when in homeport, to enjoy some R&R with friends and families. The India Pale Ale style is our founders’ favorite variety of beer, so we regard our IPA with excitement equal to that of a Sailor upon hearing “Liberty Call”!” Brewed with Simcoe, Eukanot, & Cascade hops, we invite you to enjoy this off-duty, obligation-free frothy, hoppy goodness responsibly! Woo-hoo!
Alc. 5.4% // IBUs 20
Getting our Brewery underway, we made this lovely wheat beer, not as clear as calm water, but a little cloudy, like the sand coming off of the sea bottom. Crafted with centennial, northern brewer and laurel hops and you can expect a smooth but full flavor of pure sunshine, so heave around on a vessel of this wheaty goodness and enjoy your journey on our sea of craft beer!
GHOST SHIP (Seasonal Harvest Lager)
Alc. 4.6%ABV // IBUs 30
(No longer in production)
Brewed with a heavy malt bill of Vienna, Crystal, Brown & Black malt sand German Perle & Tettnanger hops, it’s a beautiful light amber, full of flavor and steeped in history. Bremerton is home to part of our nation’s inactive (decommissioned) ship fleet, also known as Ghost Ships. Fitting for autumn and the misty days and nights to come, this sweet and malty tasting, but light drinking beer pays tribute to the souls of the crews and still haunt these ships and submarines.
DARKENSHIP (Hoppy Dark lager - Seasonal)
Alc. 5.4%ABV // IBUs 80
Brewed with Simcoe, CTZ and Centennial hops and balanced with a healthy malt bill the includes Two-Row, Marris Otter and Brown, this winter seasonal is crafted in the style of Sierra Nevada Celebration– the perfect beer to toast with friends and family this season. Just prior to sunset at sea, ships are directed to “darkenship, show no white lights topside.” This is primarily so interior lights don’t detract from her navigation lights. In the wintertime here in the Pacnorwest, darkness comes early and stays long. We hope as the sun sets, you’ll enjoy this beer early and throughout this dark but joyful season. Gute Nacht!
KLAXON (Cascadian Dark Ale)
Alc. 7%ABV // IBUs 58
Brewed with Two-Row, Brown, Black & Roast malts and hopped with a healthy dose of CTZ and Cascade hops, this beer is as dark and hearty as the sound of a submarine’s dive alarm. While the submarine force says, “run silent, run deep,” we say “live life, drink deep” as we raise our pints of Klaxon to toast to the silent service and all who love beer!
BEER DAY (Munich Helles - Summer Seasonal)
Alc. 4.9%ABV // IBUs 16
A lager that is as beautiful as it is refreshingly delightful– brewed with Pilsen, Two-Row and Munich malts and hopped just enough with Euknot and Crystal hops. When a Navy crew is at sea for 45+ continuous days without pulling into port, they are awarded a “BEER DAY” where each person in the crew is served one beer while underway. So, we named this beer to reward us all for being isolated for 45+ days during the COVID-19 crisis– only you don’t have to military yourself to just one!
STEAMER (India Pale Ale)
Alc. 7.0% // IBUs 60
Brewed with a healthy malt bill of Two-Row and Munich Brown malts and liberally hopped with Centennial, Citra and Loral hops, this classic and hearty ale will keep you steaming strong! We started with a concept of an “Anchor Steam” beer, but put our rudder hard right in a sea of hops to craft our newest IPA. Whether you are “steaming” on the water or out on liberty, we know you’ll love this citrusy, hearty beer!
ROPEYARN (Vienna Lager - Euro Amber)
Alc. 4.5%ABV // IBUs 22
Brewed with Pilsen, Chrystal, Vienna, Brown & Black and hopped just enough with Northern Brewer, Chrystal & Czech Saaz hops, this lager is light on alcohol and HUGE on taste! We named this beer for the nautical term for a half-day off—time to catch up on your spring cleaning or your partying. So, drink up and enjoy some time off!

Deep Draft Brewing is named to honor the deep water ships that have been an integral part of Puget Sound’s history, particularly in Bremerton, homeport to USN aircraft carriers and submarines and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. We also like to think we craft a “thinking man’s (or woman’s)” beer.
In 2011, George Wood (a retired pattern maker) and Erik Sweet (a nuclear trained Navy Mustang) were homebrewing and drinking lots of beer… Somewhere in their cups, they got the idea that George (and Erik) could brew better beer than most and wouldn’t it be fun to run a brewery when Erik retired? Without much effort, Erik convinced his Love, Linda, and they all acquired the old condemned Wig Wam Tavern property in Gorst that had a garage out back that seemed suitable for a brewery. With a LOT of help from a LOT of friends, from Oct 2011-May 2012, they renovated and opened the Wig Wam Pub, a beer bar with 16 taps of craft beer and some amazing TX-style BBQ to boot! It was founded and has continued with love, friendship, and community. Over the next three years, George and Erik and Linda were dreaming, scheming, and planning the brewery-to-be, acquiring used equipment, making contacts in the WA brewing community, and continuing to do lots of “research.” Erik was set to retire in May 2015 and Linda was still on active duty, a Destroyer Captain in Pearl Harbor, HI (a DDG is the inspiration for the mast on our logo). On 26 April 2015, 4 days from his retirement date after 26+ years in the Navy, Erik tragically drowned in Kailua, HI. In the summer of 2015, Linda came back to WA and with the tremendous support and love of their Wig Wam family and friends, George & Linda moved forward & built the brewery of our dreams.
Deep Draft Brewing is a destination for marvelously crafted beer and a place for old sea-going salts and the salt of the earth people of the Kitsap Peninsula to enjoy a pint (or three) with Shipmates, battle buddies, and friends.

Our MASTER BREWER: Michael Kaperick is the keeper of all of the brew knowledge, providing us with time tested recipes and colorful stories — with 40+ years of brewing experience, he crafts our drafts clean, simple and simply fantastic with just four ingredients!
Our CAPTAIN & OWNER: Linda Seymour-Sweet — hails from NY/NJ and recently retired from nearly 25 years of service in your United States Navy as a nuclear trained Surface Warfare Officer. She runs sales, marketing, bookkeeping and our Tasting Room and is a brewer-in-training, dutifully shoveling out the mash tun and crawling under the fermenters on brew days.
Our Root Beer BREWER and co-founder/former owner George Wood is still smiling & making our root beer and telling tales over a pint glass!
We have four wonderful and energetic Tasting Room Staff: Tom (lead sales), Christine (day shifts & beer gardener), Carly (graphic designer & market event planner) and Monica (weekend shifts). They aim to please and each has their own brand of beer and cider knowledge.